pretentious is saying pretty things about oneself.
But who are the brave ones that make their own web
without a little self-indulgence?
We are Marga
Lainez and Otilio González: MAO CREATIVE THINK TANK.
Before MAO, we
founded with another two partners REMO: one of the most creative indie agencies in Spanish
advertising history.
Either we haven't done badly with awards. Maybe the
one that we are most proud of is the one that we shared with the whole company’s team: BEST AGENCY OF THE YEAR at EL SOL for REMO.
And now comes the typical festival list where our work
-and our ego- has been awarded: El Sol, CdeC / Spanish Creative Club, FIAP,
DAD, Epica, The One Show...
Some of our campaigns have achieved galactic results,
as "Goat Herder" for Mitsubishi Motors, listed as second best Tv spot
of the last 25 years by the Latin-American panel of advertising media.
We have been
juries at El Sol, CdeC /Spanish Creative Club, Epica, The International Spirit
We have given lectures and workshops at Antonio de
Nebrija University, European University, Cdec/ Spanish Creative Club, UCAL
Lima, European Press Institute, Miami Ad School…
...and let's
stop this self-indulgence attack!!!